CHAPTER 1 - First Encounter with EZoApp


EZoApp is a product developed by Taiwan's software giant, InfoChamp Systems Corp. (InfoChamp is a 100%-owned subsidiary of China Steel Corporation). It was initially developed for internal use only. The company did not plan to enter the field of app development. Nonetheless, the trends of the time led EZoApp to become an app development tool that works completely in a browser. Hence, it is called EZoApp. Here are some websites with EZoApp related information:


The name EZoApp came from the Taiwanese language meaning "easy to assemble". Considering it from a different perspective, it also sounds like it is "easy" to develop an app. The backend of EZoApp uses Cordova's API (Application Programming Interface) to enable users to use just HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to develop and publish an app! In addition, EZoApp provides many components. Simply dragging and dropping components onto the screen also causes it to generate corresponding program code. Users can also edit the app in a WYSIWYG fashion. Thus, EZoApp has been highly praised at many schools and education expos. It also won the 2014 "Taiwan Learning Technology Platform Tool Golden Award (台灣學習科技平台工具金質獎)" and became the first development tool that supports Polymer.

When people first look at EZoApp, perhaps they might think, "Is this not the online version of Dreamweaver?" or "Is this not just an editor similar to JS Bin?" But as people spend more time using EZoApp, they soon discover more of the differences between these tools. EZoApp not only can be used to create mobile version of webpages, but it also allows users to preview the real screens of the apps on mobile devices and works as an editor. The most powerful feature of EZoApp is that, after finishing editing, users can directly scan the QR code and preview the results on a cell phone or publish the app as an APK to be installed and run directly on a cellphone!

Because the core functions of EZoApp use jQuery and jQuery Mobile, this tutorial will also introduce much of the related syntax. We hope that after reading this tutorial, you will have learned these languages as well.

At the end of Chapter 1, let us look at a PR video for EZoApp and get our hearts ready to start this wonderful app development journey!


EZoApp PR video ( )

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