EZoApp Tutorial

This EZoApp tutorial contains introductions for all of the functions in EZoApp. It also includes hands-on examples to demonstrate, in an easy to understand way, everything from the functions of components all the way to the linking of backend databases. Trust that after reading these articles you will have a deeper understanding of EZoApp and can use EZoApp to quickly build your own apps.


Ever since the era of the two competing giants of iOS and Android, many app developers and entrepreneurs have appeared. In addition to these individuals and companies that focus mainly on developing apps, other enterprises have started developing their own internal apps as well. Many of the major computer learning centers also quickly launched various app development courses, as if you would become outdated if you do not know how to develop apps. However, the history of app development only started 2-3 years ago. Many of the related technologies and development tools are still in their development stages. The iOS upgrade alone can make many developers groan, not to mention the doubled cost of cross-platform development. These factors have made many developers and IT companies that specialize in providing web services hesitant to enter the app market. In the end, they are forced either to jump into unfamiliar territory or to give up on app development and continue to serve their clients using their original technology. App development is an even greater challenge for studios that consist of only a few people or the SOHO crowd. Fortunately, as time passes, the appearance of cloud tools has launched a new culture of development, such as Google Drive, Evernote, Wunderlist, Dropbox, etc., and led us into the cloud era. Subsequently, several cloud tools also appeared in the fields of app or web development. EZoApp was born precisely during this era of fierce competition.

Target Audiences

As long as you are "a webpage designer who knows webpage languages", "a developer who wishes to quickly develop apps", "a student or member of the general public who wants to learn programming", or "a teacher who wants to utilize web platforms to teach programming", this EZoApp Tutorial is for you. You can also discover other unexpected knowledge and skills while reading through this tutorial.

Basic Knowledge You Should Have Before You Start Reading

Because development in EZoApp is done mainly by using the three languages of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, basic understanding of HTML and CSS would be helpful. If you do not know HTML and CSS, you can learn about them at these web sites: W3School HTML Tutorial and W3School CSS Tutorial. However, you do not need to be overly concerned. After all, it is pretty easy to understand webpage languages, and you should be able to get a good grasp of 80% of the techniques in less than a day. By Chapter 15, we will start writing JavaScript. It is recommended that you know the basics of JavaScript so that you can follow along without too much of a problem. Refer to jQuery Tutorial and JavaScript Tutorial for articles on jQuery and JavaScript.

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